Empower Your Security with Al-Enhanced Guarding Services At IBL, we are at the forefront of integrating cutting- edge Al technology into our guarding services, setting new standards in comprehensive protection. Our team of skilled guards, backed by Al advancements, ensures a fortified shield around your premises. By seamlessly combining human vigilance with Al precision, we offer real-time threat detection, predictive insights, and rapid response, ensuring a proactive and robust security approach. With our Al- enhanced guarding services, you can expect heightened situational awareness, minimized risks, and an elevated level of safety for your assets and personnel. Experience a future-ready security solution that seamlessly merges human expertise with technological innovation.

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At IBI Group, we present an exclusive executive protection security service meticulously tailored to the needs of C-level executives and High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNIs). Our specialized team comprises highly skilled professionals, hailing from elite units such as ex-NSG (Black Cat Commandos), with expertise in various martial arts and defence/combat techniques, including Krav Maga, among others. Understanding the unique security concerns of high- profile individuals, we customize solutions to guarantee the integrity of your safety. With discreet yet highly capable personnel, advanced threat assessment, and meticulous planning, we deliver comprehensive 360-degree protection. Our executive protection service empowers you to channel your focus and energy into your pursuits, confident in the knowledge that your well-being, privacy, and serenity are securely safeguarded.

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This training is to make sure that every associated personnel is well educated and aware of the activities involved and is able to act in time in case there is any suspicion. The training is provided to the staff of all levels including the technical staff, the upper management, the security personnel, etc. We can prepare the training modules as per your need and on any desired topic.

Investigation services that will aid insurance companies.

Risk assessment, Accidents, Fires, Robbery, Transport, Simulated Claims After-effects of accident victims, Locations of stolen goods.

  • Accident investigations/disability claims
  • Investigation of Adverse and Witnesses
  • Hostile Witnesses
  • Workers Compensation Personal Injury Claims
  • Any Questionable Claim
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